National Shiba Club of America


The NSCA Education Award is designed to recognize a NSCA member who has made significant contributions to the education of others regarding the Shiba Inu. Contributions may include authoring books, writing brochures, developing and/or teaching programs to enhance the understanding of our breed and their health, training, what they can accomplish, etc. The award will be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty.

The award will be a certificate stating, “20__ NSCA Education Award, NSCA member’s name, Certificate of Recognition, National Shiba Club of America.” A picture of the recipient will be printed in the Shiba E-News and posted on the NSCA Awards webpage.

Application period is May 1 through June 30 of each calendar year. Application form may be obtained on the NSCA Awards webpage or through the Awards Committee Chairperson. All application materials may be submitted electronically or hard copy. Where applicable, provide copies of official documentation with the application to verify authenticity.


  1. Acted as a mentor for junior handler(s) or new Shiba Inu owners. Provide letter of support. 5 points awarded per letter of support.
  2. Developed on-line, DVD, video educational program/instruction on the Shiba Inu. List title of program or DVD/video. Provide copy of program if feasible. If unable to provide a copy of program, a letter of support must be provided. 5 points awarded per program.
  3. Developed or taught an educational offering on the Shiba Inu at a regional or national Shiba Inu event. List title of program, event, location and date. 5 points awarded per offering.
  4. Developed Shiba Inu publication/brochure. Provide a copy of the publication. 5 points awarded per publication.
  5. Authored or contributing author of a Shiba Inu book. Provide name of book. If contributing author, provide name of book and chapter authored. 10 points awarded for author of book or 5 points awarded for contributing author of a chapter.
  6. Authored or contributing author of magazine article featuring the Shiba Inu. Provide copy of article written. 3 points awarded per article.
  7. Trainer of Shiba Inu. List training opportunities provided. Provide two letters of support from training attendees. 5 points per class awarded.
  8. Documented NSCA membership of applicant/nominee.


2022 NSCA Education Award:

  • Alexis Amerosa

Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley