National Shiba Club of America

NSCA Shiba Inu Versatile Shiba Inu

The NSCA Shiba Inu Versatile Shiba Inu is designed to recognize the Shiba Inu who has displayed versatility by titling in at least three different venues. This one time life-long achievement award may be earned by more than one Shiba Inu per year. The award will be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty./p>

The award will be a plaque stating, “20__ NSCA Shiba Inu Versatile Shiba Inu (if AKC VCD titled, specific level will be specified), dog's name, owner’s name (as shown on AKC registration), breeder’s name, National Shiba Club of America. A picture of the Shiba Inu recipient and list of achievements will be printed in the Shiba E-News and posted on the NSCA Awards webpage.

Application period is May 1 through June 30 of each calendar year. Application form may be obtained on the NSCA Awards webpage or through the Awards Committee Chairperson. All application materials may be submitted electronically or hard copy. Provide copies of official documentation with the application to verify authenticity. An incomplete application (including verification documentation) will not be processed.


  1. Any Shiba Inu achieving a Versatile Companion Dog (VCD) title is considered to have achieved the requirements for the Versatile Shiba Inu recognition. An award may be achieved by the same dog when achieving a higher VCD title (e.g. VCD2). Document level achieved.
    Document at least four titles achieved (Novice or above) achieved from the following: conformation, obedience, rally, tracking, agility (no more than 2), therapy dog, barn hunt, coursing ability, dock diving, flyball, FAST CAT, scent work, search and rescue, or trick dog.
    • Where a sport offers a “preferred” titling option of the same title (such as the preferred Agility class or preferred obedience) in addition to the regular titling track only one or the other (but not both) will count toward the versatility award.
    • Per the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows, a higher title will supersede previous titles, so only the higher title will be listed. For purposes of this award, where titles are earned in progression ( such as novice agility then open agility), only the highest level achieved will be counted.
    • Titles earned outside of AKC for which AKC has a title recognition program (such as Barn Hunt and trick dog) must be registered with AKC to be considered for this award.
    • For sports that offer multiple titling tracks (for example agility has standard, jumpers, fast, time 2 beat and premiere) a maximum of 2 titles will be counted toward this award
  2. Copy of AKC registration.
  3. Statement of NCSA membership of owner, by name. This will be verified by the Awards Committee.


2022 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • CH Kokuryuu's Midnight Sky BCAT DJX TKN — Owner: Pam Crowley, Leah Crowley, Breeder: Pam Crowley, Leah Crowley
  • CH Dragon House Light 'Em Up! RN AX AXJ NF FCAT2 CGC TKN — Owner: Joni Andrews, Breeder: Sandi M. Smith
  • GCH Rexann's Total Eclipse Of The Heart RN FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKA ATT — Owner: Kathy Bube, Breeder: Kathy Bube

2021 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • CH Coquina Sound Of Madness FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN ATT VHMA — Owner: Krissy Stanford, Breeder: Krissy Stanford
  • MACH4 Kiko Princess Sheeba BN RAE MXS2 MJS2 XF T2B4 TKI — Owner: Amy Ripepi & Gary Grasinski
  • GCH CH Oaks Precious Jewel at Absolute CA BCAT TKN ATT — Owner: Corina Van Camp, Breeder: Patricia Gilliard
  • Nozomi's Celestial Zenith BN RA AX OAJ AJP NF CGC TKA — Owner: Sarah Carson, Mark Giles, & Eunice Giles, Breeder: Eunice & Mark Giles

2020 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • CH San Jo Little Red Waggin RN FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI ATT VHMA — Owner: Krissy Stanford, Breeder: Pamela Carlson & Leslie Engen
  • CH Frerose's She's A Hot Mess RN FDC CA DCAT THDN RATS CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA — Owner: Krissy Stanford, Breeder: Frederick O Duane & Diane Murphy
  • CH San Jo Lillith Fair RN, CA, FDCH-G MBX RATS OA OAJ NF GCG — Owner: Lindsay Anne Tompkins and Leslie Ann Engen, Breeder: Leslie Ann Engen
  • Innisfree Mashigura of Kihaku CD PCD BN GN RE RATN CGCA TKI — Owner: Molly Sumridge, Breeder: Kathleen Kanzler
  • GCH LeSand’s Karma And Effect RN FDC FCAT CGCA TKI — Owner: Alexis Amerosa and Leslie Anderson, Breeder: Leslie Anderson
  • Kurochiyo Akakiyosou CA BCAT RATN CGC TKI — Owner: Alexis Amerosa and Leslie Anderson, Breeder: Leslie Anderson
  • Boomlay’s Truth Is Karma Don’t Lie RN CA BCAT CGC TKN — Owner: Alexis Amerosa Breeder: Alexis Amerosa and Leslie Anderson

2019 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • MACH4 Kamekaze BN RA MXS2 PDS MJB3 PJD MFC TQX T2B11 CAA DCAT RATN CGC TKN — Owner: Liz Dzubay & Mary Holt, Breeder: Grover Jameson
  • Kobushi's Polar Vortex CAA DCAT SCN SIN RATI RATM CZ8G CGC TKI UG-1 — Owner: Ian & Nicole Birnbaum, Breeder: Katrina Nielsen
  • Evenstar's Adventure Is Out There NA CAA DCAT RATM CGCA CGCU TKI — Owner: Stephanie Dill, Breeder: Myrrh Haslam & Carolyn Kaufmann

2019 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • Smidgen Overby OAP NJP OFP BCAT SCN SIN RATN CGC TKN — Cheryl Overby
  • Shoei Hi-Jinx Thunderstruck CAX FCAT3 ACT2 TKN — Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Rebecca Powell & Patricia Doescher
  • CH Southampton's Bad to the Bone SWN SCA SIA SEA SHDN RATI RATN — Owner: Frances Corrigan & Kevin Corrigan, Breeder: Kim Carlson-Bousson
  • CH Hi-Jinx Black Reign RAE NA NAJ AXP AJP NF — Owner: Michelle Hewitt, Breeder: Patricia Doescher & Karen Drentlaw
  • Hi-Jinx Fade to Black RN CAX FCAT3 CGC TKN — Owner: Michelle Hewitt & Sean Hewitt, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
  • Saskatchewan Trail's Legend RN NAP NJP CAA FCAT2 CGC TKI — Owner: Michelle Hewitt, Breeder: Freddy Dhondt
  • Sumo Chewbaca CD BN RAE2 MX MXJ NAP MJP OF NFP T2BP SWA CGC — Owner: Amy Ripepi & Garry Grasinski, Breeder: Laura Payton & Rhonda Thompson
  • CH MACH Nozomi's Yuengling Koodori RN MXS MJS XF T2B — Owner: Karen Groth & Daniel Groth, Breeder: Eleanore Carson, Eunice JM Carson, Eunice RC Giles & Mark W Giles

2017 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • Hansha's Sweet Reward CD RN OA OAJ FMX — Linda White
  • Tasukaru Twist of Fate RN AX MXJ XF RATO — Norma Hornung
  • Southampton Quiet Riot RN AX AXJ NF FDCH-G — Linda White
  • Aoki of Hansha CD NA NAJ MBD — Linda White
  • CH Hi-Jinx Horizon Black Zinfandel RN CA BCAT — Rebecca Powell & Pat Doescher
  • CH Kokuryuu's God of Mischief RN NA NAJ CAA BCAT RATN CGC TKN — Pamela Crowley & Leah Crowley

2016 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • Hi-Jinx Jumpin Black Flash RN, NA, NAJ, CAX, DCAT, TKA — Mary Engstrom
  • CH Tibbs I Wanna Do Bad Things DN RATO — Meagan Thomas and John Calder
  • CH Tobishi's Hotroddin' Hornet BN RE CAA RATCHX CGC — Barb Berry and Tammy Szabo
  • Hi-Jinx Red Hot Chili Pepper CAX DCAT THDA CG — Jennifer Stegmaier
  • MACH Double Black Diamond RN MXB MJS XF CA — Mark and Eunice Giles
  • MACH Cape Cod's 007 at Nozomi CD BN RE MXB MJC XF T2B CA — Mark and Eunice Giles
  • Nozomi's Ready Player One RN AJ MJX MJP NF — Mark and Eunice Giles
  • MACH 4 Nozomi's Dread Pirate Roberts REM XC MJS2 MXF T2B — Mark and Eunice Giles
  • Nozomi's Firefly RN NAJ AXP AJP NF NFP — Mark, Eunice and Norah Giles

2015 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • CH Southampton’s Temptation CD BN RAE AXP AJP CGC — Fran & Kevin Corrigan
  • CH Southampton’s Black Knight BN RN — Fran & Kevin Corrigan

2014 NSCA Versatile Shiba Inu:

  • Take CD RA TDX RATI NW1 CFF2 ASCA-TD W-FD/HTM — Kamrin MacKnight
  • Hi-Jinx Snow Krystal VCD1 (TD NA NAJ CD) RATI RATN RN — Jan and Mike Barclay
  • GCH Midnight Sun'S Kenai Kazuki Aki VCD1 (TD CD NA NAJ) AXJ OA RATN RA — Jan and Mike Barclay
  • CH/INT'L CH Taichung All That Jazz VCD1 (TD CD NA NAJ) AX AXJ RATI RATO NW2 CGC THD RN — Jan and Mike Johnson
  • GCH/ INT'L CH Sagewood Tsunami VCD1 (TD CD NA NAJ) RATI RATS NW2 CGC THD RN — Jan and Mike Johnson


Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley