National Shiba Club of America


The NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame is designed to recognize the Shiba Inu who has displayed superior achievement in the conformation arena. This one time life-long achievement award may be earned by more than one Shiba Inu per year. The award will be presented at the annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty.

The award will be a plaque stating, “20__ Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame,” dog's name, owner’s name (as shown on AKC registration), breeder’s name, National Shiba Club of America. A picture of the Shiba Inu recipient and handler will be printed in the Shiba E-News and posted on the NSCA Awards webpage.

Application period is May 1 through June 30 of each calendar year. Application form may be obtained on the NSCA Awards webpage or through the Awards Committee Chairperson. All application materials may be submitted electronically or hard copy. Provide copies of official documentation with the application to verify authenticity. An incomplete application (including verification documentation) will not be processed.


  1. AKC Grand Champion.
  2. A minimum of 125 points have been accumulated following the point schedule outlined below:
    1. 15 points awarded for Best In Show
    2. 10 points awarded for Reserve Best In Show
    3. 8 points awarded for Non-Sporting Group 1
    4. 6 points awarded for Non-Sporting Group 2
    5. 4 points awarded for Non-Sporting Group 3
    6. 2 points awarded for Non-Sporting Group 4
    7. 10 points awarded for National Specialty Best of Breed
    8. 8 points awarded for National Specialty Best of Opposite
    9. 5 points awarded for National Specialty Award of Merit
    10. 5 points awarded for National Specialty Select
    11. 5 points awarded for Regional Specialty Best of Breed
    12. 3 points awarded for Regional Specialty Best of Opposite
    13. 2 points awarded for Regional Specialty Award of Merit
    14. 2 points awarded for Regional Specialty Select
    15. 5 points awarded for Platinum GCH
    16. 4 points awarded for Gold GCH
    17. 3 points awarded for Silver GCH
    18. 2 points awarded for Bronze GCH
  3. Documentation must be provided for all awards listed
  4. Copy of AKC registration.
  5. Statement of NCSA membership of owner, by name. This will be verified by the Awards Committee.


2023 NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame:

  • GCHS CH San Jo Rock Steady At Kokuryuu CA DCAT — Owner: P Crowley/L Crowley, Breeder: P Crowley/L Crowley

2022 NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame:

  • GCHP CH Jogoso's Wild West At Pendragon — Lori Pendergast, Susanne Ozasa, Lisa Sakashita, Shawn Kasner & Melody Chang
  • GCHP Jogoso's Walk On The Wild Side BCAT CA RATN — Caitlin Hubbard, Dawn Hubbard

2021 NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame:

  • GCHP CH Jogoso's Makin' Waves — Owner: Susanne Ozasa, Lisa Sakashita, Shawn Kasner, Melody Chang, Breeder: Susanne Ozasa & Lisa Sakashita

2020 NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame:

  • GCHG CH Pendragon Born On The Bayou — Owner: Lori B. Pendergast, Breeder: Lori B Pendergast

2016 NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame:

  • GCHG Jogoso's Lucky Thirteen — Susanne Ozasa, Li Chuan Huang, and Lisa Sakashita
  • GCHS CH Sonkei Ichi Ryu At Pendragon — Lori Pendergast

2015 NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame:

  • GCH Jogoso’s Notorious ROM — Glen and Susanne Ozasa

2014 NSCA Shiba Inu Conformation Hall of Fame:

  • GCH/INT'L CH Sagewood Tsunami VCD1 (TD CD NA NAJ) RATI RATS NW2 CGC THD RN — Mike and Jan Johnson

Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley