National Shiba Club of America


The NSCA Top 10 Shiba Inu - Fast CAT of the preceding year will be honored at the annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty.

The award will be a certificate stating, “20__ NSCA Top 10 Shiba Inu – Fast CAT,” dog's placement and name, owner’s name (as shown on AKC registration), breeder’s name, National Shiba Club of America. In addition, the #1 Shiba Inu in Fast CAT will receive a plaque (whose owner, first name on registration, is a documented NSCA member). A picture of the #1 Shiba Inu in Fast CAT (whose owner, first name on registration, is a documented NSCA member) will be printed in the Shiba E-News and posted on the NSCA Awards webpage. All NSCA Top 10 Shiba Inu - Fast CAT award recipients will be listed in the Shiba E-News and posted on the NSCA Awards webpage.

Note: The Top 10 Shiba Inu in Fast CAT will be determined by AKC year-to-date statistics. This award does not need an application. It will be automatically processed with AKC stats.


2022 NSCA Top 10 Shiba Inu — Fast CAT (Based on Jan to Dec 2021):

  1. Akira Bishojo Go Akakiyosou FCAT2 TKI — Owner: Craig Wright, Breeder: Leslie Anderson
  2. Tasukaru Freedom For Me RA FDC MX MXJ MJB MFB T2B CAX FCAT7 RATM — Owner: Norma Hornung
  3. Kobushi's Polar Vortex CAX FCAT2 SCN SIN RATI RATCH CZ8PS CGCA CGCU FDC TKA UG-2 — Owner: Nicole Birnbaum, Breeder: Katrina Nielsen
  4. CH Dragon House Light 'Em Up! RN NA NAJ FCAT CGC TKN — Owner: Joni Rizzi, Breeder: Sandi M Smith
  5. Shoei Hi-Jinx Thunderstruck RN CAX FCAT6 ACT2 RATM TKN — Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Rebeccca Powell & Patricia Doescher
  6. Kengosou Tadashi At Shakori BCAT CGC
  7. Masakado Bourbon Cowboy BCAT TKN — Owner: Ariel Woodruff & Lindsay Tompkins, Breeder: Lindsay Tomkins
  8. Quinn (Ly) Bean Gaston FCAT ACT1
  9. Hi-Jinx Miata FCAT — Breeder: Patricia Doescher
  10. GCH CH Gaylord's Aka Baron Ace CAA BCAT — Owner: Raquel Russell & Rex Gaylord, Breeder: Rex Gaylord

2021 NSCA Top 10 Shiba Inu — Fast CAT (Based on Jan to Dec 2020):

  1. Akira Bishojo Go Akakiyosou FCAT TKI — Owner: Craig Wright, Breeder: Leslie Anderson
  2. Kokuryuu's Call Me Taro DCAT CGC TKI — Owner: Angie Reed, Breeder: Pam and Leah Crowley
  3. CH Dragon House Light 'Em Up! BCAT TKN — Owner: Joni Rizzi, Breeder: Sandi M Smith
  4. Lickety-Split Roo CA DCAT TKI
  5. Hi-Jinx Fade to Black RN CAX FCAT5 RATS CGC TKN — Owner: Michelle and Sean Hewitt, Breeder: Pat Doescher
  6. Tasukaru Freedom For Me RI FDC MX MXJ MJB MFB T2B CAX FCAT4 RATM — Owner: Norma Hornung
  7. Hi-Jinx Miata DCAT — Breeder: Patricia Doescher
  8. CH Hanabi No Fumiyo Go Hanabisou CAA DCAT — Owner: Jeri & John Burnside, Breeder: Tabitha & Johnny Szary
  9. Jogoso's Iyashi No Kokoro BCAT CGC TKI — Owner: Sally & Madison Kim, Breeder: Suzanne Ozasa
  10. Ginko No Nagaremono Kouda Go Kari-On RI CAX3 BCAT CGCA CGCU TKI

2020 NSCA Top 10 Shiba Inu — Fast CAT (Based on Jan to Dec 2019):

  1. Akira Bishojo Go Akakiyosou DCAT TKI — Owner: Craig Wright, Breeder: Leslie Anderson
  2. Hanabi Mizuki CAA DCAT — Owner: Kitsum Li, Breeder: Tabitha Szary & Johnny Szary
  3. Hi-Jinx Fade To Black RN CAX FCAT4 RATN CGC TKN — Owner: Michelle & Sean Hewitt, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
    Tasukaru Freedom For Me RN FDC MX MJB MFB T2B CAX FCAT4 RATM — Owner: Norma Hornung
  4. Kokuryuu's Call Me Taro BCAT — Owner: Angie Reed, Breeder: Pam Crowley & Leah Crowley
  5. Hi-Jinx Black Cat CA DCAT ACT1 — Owner: Monica Flynn, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
  6. Yokai Go Kobushi Shiba CA DCAT RATN CGC TKN — Owner: Linda E Walawander, Breeder: Katrina Nielsen
  7. MACH4 Kamekaze BN RA MXS2 PDS MJB3 PJD MFC TQX T2B11 CAA DCAT RATN CGC TKN — Owner: Liz Dzubay & Mary Holt, Breeder: Grover Jameson
  8. Shoei Hi-Jinx Thunderstruck RN CAX FCAT4 ACT2 TKN — Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Rebecca Powell & Patricia Doescher
  9. Quinn (Ly) Bean Gaston BCAT — Owner: Amber Gaston
  10. Hi-Jinx Jumpin Black Flash RN NA NAJ CAX2 FCAT4 RATCH CZ8P TKA — Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Patricia Doescher


Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley