National Shiba Club of America

NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu — Rally

The NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu - Rally is designed to recognize the Shiba Inu demonstrating excellence in teamwork, as measured by overall total score, during the preceding calendar year. The award will be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty. An award may be provided for each Rally level (RN, RA, RE, RAE, and RM).

The award will be a plaque stating, “20__ Outstanding Shiba Inu – Rally (level specified),” dog's name, total score, owner’s name (as shown on AKC registration), breeder’s name, National Shiba Club of America. A picture of the Shiba Inu recipient and handler will be printed in the Shiba E-News and posted on the NSCA Awards webpage.

Application period is May 1 through June 30 of each calendar year. Application form may be obtained on the NSCA Awards webpage or through the Awards Committee Chairperson. All application materials may be submitted electronically or hard copy. Provide copies of official documentation with the application form to verify authenticity. An incomplete application (including verification documentation) will not be processed.


  1. Provide official documentation of rally trial that provides total score and total time.
  2. In the event of a tie, total time will be considered for final selection.
  3. Copy of AKC registration.
  4. Statement of NCSA membership of owner, by name. This will be verified by the Awards Committee.


2022 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Rally (Based on Jan to Dec 2021):

    Not awarded

2021 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Rally (Based on Jan to Dec 2020):

  • Novice - Boomlay’s Truth Is Karma Don’t Lie RN CA BCAT CGC TKN — Owner: Alexis Amerosa and Leslie Anderson, Breeder: Leslie Anderson

2020 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Rally (Based on Jan to Dec 2019):

  • Master - CH Tobishi's Hotroddin' Hornet CD RM CAA DCAT RATCHX2 CZ8P CGCA TKN — Owner: Jim & Barb Berry and Tammy Szabo, Breeder: Tammy Szabo & Mary Anne Vogt

2019 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Rally (Based on Jan to Dec 2018):

  • Novice - Shoei Hi-Jinx Thunderstruck CAX FCAT3 ACT2 TKN — Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Rebecca Powell & Pat Doescher

2018 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Rally (Based on Jan to Dec 2017):

  • RAE - Sumo Chewbaca CD BN RAE2 MX MXJ NAP MJP OF NFP T2BP SWN CGC — Amy A Ripepi & Garry Grasinski
  • Novice - Hi-Jinx Poetry in Motion BN RN NA CGC — Amelia Ripepi, Garry Graskinski & Patricia Doescher

2017 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Rally (Based on Jan to Dec 2016):

  • MACH Cape Cod's 007 at Nozomi CD BN RE MXB MJC XF T2B CA — Mark and Eunice Giles

2016 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Rally (Based on Jan to Dec 2015):

  • Sumo Chewbaca BN RAE MX MXJ NAP MJP OF NFP T2BP CGC — Amy Ripepi and Garry Grasinski


Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley