NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu — Barn Hunt
The NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu – Barn Hunt was designed to recognize the Shiba Inu demonstrating the
fastest speed and drive in Barn Hunt, completing all required elements, during the preceding calendar year.
2022 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- Novice - Not awarded
- Open - Not awarded
- Senior - Not awarded>
- Master - Hi-Jinx Jumpin Black Flash RN NA NAJ CAX2 FCAT6 RATCHX2 CZ8P TKA FITG
— Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Patricia S. Doescher
2021 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- Novice - Not awarded
- Open - Not awarded
- Senior - Shoei Hi-Jinx Thunderstruck RN CAX FCAT6 ACT2 RATM TKN
— Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Rebeccca Powell & Patricia Doescher
- Master - Evenstar's Adventure is Out There NA NJP CAX FCAT2 RATCH CZ8PB CGCA CGCU FDC TKI RATI UG-2 SSB BID
— Owner: Stephanie Dill, Breeder: Myrrh Haslam & Carolyn Kaufmann
2020 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- Novice - Shoei Hi-Jinx Thunderstruck RN CAX FCAT5 ACT2 RATS TKN
— Owner: Mary E. Engstrom, Breeder: Rebecca Powell & Patricia Doescher
- Open - Shoei Hi-Jinx Thunderstruck RN CAX FCAT5 ACT2 RATS TKN
— Owner: Mary E. Engstrom, Breeder: Rebecca Powell & Patricia Doescher
- Senior - Hi-Jinx Fade to Black
— Owner: Michelle and Sean Hewitt, Breeder: Pat Doescher
- Master - Evenstar's Adventure Is Out There NA CAA FCAT RATS CGCA CGCU TKI
— Owner: Stephanie Dill, Breeder: Myrrh Haslam & Carolyn Kaufman
2019 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- Novice - Hi-Jinx Fade to Black RN CAX FCAT4 RATN CGC TKN
— Owner: Michelle & Sean Hewitt, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
- Open - Hi-Jinx Jumpin Black Flash RN NA NAJ CAX2 FCAT4 RATCH CZ8P TKA
— Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
- Senior - Hi-Jinx Jumpin Black Flash RN NA NAJ CAX2 FCAT4 RATCH CZ8P TKA
— Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
- Master - Hi-Jinx Jumpin Black Flash RN NA NAJ CAX2 FCAT4 RATCH CZ8P TKA
— Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
2018 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- Novice - Hi-Jinx Jumpin Black Flash RN NA NAJ CAX2 FCAT3 RATS TKA
— Owner: Mary Engstrom, Breeder: Patricia Doescher
2017 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- Novice - Tobishi’s Careful! I’m Sizzlin’ Hot! RN BCAT RATS CGC TKN
— Barb Berry, Tammy Szabo
- Master - Jogoso's Sriracha is Hot Stuff Coming Through! RATCH CGC CAX2
— Melody Chang & Shawn Kasner
2016 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- Novice - MACH Cape Cod's 007 at Nozomi CD BN RE MXB MJC XF T2B CA
— Mark and Eunice Giles
- Open - MACH4 Nozomi's Dread Pirate Roberts REM XC MJS2 MXF T2B
— Mark and Eunice Giles
- Senior - MACH Cape Cod's 007 at Nozomi CD BN RE MXB MJC XF T2B CA
— Mark and Eunice Giles
2015 NSCA Outstanding Shiba Inu Barn Hunt:
- CH Taichung All That Jazz
— Janet and Michael Johnson
Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley