The NSCA Registry of Merit is designed to recognize and honor the producing achievements of Shiba Inu sires and dams. By awarding a ROM title to deserving producers, the club is able to maintain a permanent record of Shiba Inu breeding history and can serve as a learning tool in pedigree study and research. This award also acknowledges Shiba Inu breeders showing strength in their breeding programs through these accomplishments. We appreciate that the backbone of any breed is quality breeders. The ROM or ROMX award will be presented to Shiba Inu that have produced a designated number of conformation champion progeny. This award may be achieved by more than one Shiba Inu per year. The award will be presented at the annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty.
The award will be a plaque stating,”20__ Registry of Merit or Registry of Merit Excellent", dog's name, owner’s name (as shown on AKC registration), breeder’s name, National Shiba Club of America. In addition to the plaque, the recipient will receive a ROM pin or bar. Recipient, owner and breeder names will be listed in the Shiba E-News and posted on the NSCA Awards webpage.
Application period is May 1 through June 30 of each calendar year. Application form may be obtained on the NSCA Awards webpage or through the Awards Committee Chairperson. All application materials may be submitted electronically or hard copy. Provide copies of official documentation with the application to verify authenticity. An incomplete application (including verification documentation) will not be processed.
- Documentation of AKC registration.
- A sire must produce at least 8 conformation champion offspring for ROM.
- A dam must produce at least 4 conformation champion offspring for ROM.
- A sire must produce at least 16 conformation champion offspring for ROMX.
- A dam must produce at least 8 conformation champion offspring for ROMX.
- Documentation of passing health screens (OFA or PennHip, patellas, CERF).
- Documentation of offspring champion certificates.
- Documentation of offspring sire/dam.
- Copy of registration (canine ROM or ROMX applicant).
- Statement of NCSA membership of owner, by name. This will be verified by the Awards Committee.
Note: AKC does not recognize the ROM award or program as a title designation at this time.
2023 NSCA Registry of Merit:
- GCHS CH Masakado Maker's Mark CA RATO CGC TKN
— Owner: Lindsay Tompkins / Leslie Engen, Breeder: Lindsay Tompkins / Leslie Engen
- GCH Katain N Kuro Oka I'll Be There For You
— Owner: Owner: Bill Fletcher / Lynne Fletcher, Breeder: Bill Bill Fletcher / Lynne Fletcher
2023 NSCA Registry of Merit Excellent:
- CH Fukuryu Beikokusekiryuso
— Owner: Jeri Burnside / Bruce Bravioff, Breeder: Jeri Burnside / Bruce Bravioff
2022 NSCA Registry of Merit:
- CGCHB CH Kawamaisou's Storm Warning
— Owner: Bill Fletcher, Lynne Fletcher, Breezy Talaro, Casey Walker, Breeder: Marianne Ross
- GCH CH Kuro Oka Enjoy Your Day
— Owner: Owner: Bill Fletcher, Lynne Fletcher, Breeder: Bill Fletcher, Lynne Fletcher, Fransisco Sanquino
- CH Taikan No Ayataka Go Hamamatsu Taikan
— Owner: Denise Onstott, Dorothy Warren, Breeder: Mitsuo Satake
- CH Rexann's Star Sapphire FDT ATT
— Owner: Kathy Bube, Breeder: Kathy Bube
2021 NSCA Registry of Merit:
- CH Jogoso's Red Velvet
— Owner: Susanne Ozasa & Li Chuan Huang, Breeder: Susanne Ozasa
- GCH CH Kobushi Serendipity
— Owner: Katrina A. Nielsen, Breeder: Katrina A. Nielsen
- GCH CH Katai's (Call Me Fifi) Sophia
— Owner: Katrina A. Nielsen, Breeder: Bonnie Gibbons
2020 NSCA Registry of Merit:
2019 NSCA Registry of Merit:
- CH Tengai Water Lily
— Owner: Philip & Cynthia Scala, Breeder: Philip & Cynthia Scala
- CH Makana Go Kuro Oka Shiba
— Owner: Bill & Lynn Fletcher, Breeder: Bill & Lynn Fletcher
2018 NSCA Registry of Merit:
- CH Hi-Jinx Horizon Black Zinfandel RN CA BCAT
— Owner: Rebecca Powell & Patricia Doescher, Breeder: Letty Hughest & Paticia Doescher
- CH Kuro Oka Heaven Can Wait
— Owner: Bill & Lynne Fletcher & Francisco Sanguino, Breeder: Lynne Fletcher & Larry Simons
- CH Taichung She's All That
— Owner: Laura Perkinson, Kiyo Brooks, Breeder: Laura Perkinson
- GCH CH K-Bar's Mizuki Hana at Moonbeams RN CGC
— Owner: Monica Monroe, Breeder: Betty Rarick
- GCH CH Kanoe Hauoli Shiba
— Owner: Katrina A Nielsen, Elicia Surface & Lee Melton, Breeder: Yumi Hagiwara & Lio Hagiwara
2016 NSCA Registry of Merit:
- GCHS Justa Setsuzan Roki Yama's Azorra
— Edward Maes, Diana Maes, Christina Schinke
2015 NSCA Registry of Merit Sire:
- GCH Justa Massimiliano
— Kim Hoberg
2015 NSCA Registry of Merit Dam:
- GCHB Pendragon Rubi Kayoubi
— Lori Pendergast
2014 NSCA Registry of Merit Sire:
- Kotarou Go Seishirousou
— Bill and Lynn Fletcher
- CH Raidon Go Chichibu Misuzsou
— Bill and Lynn Fletcher
2013 NSCA Registry of Merit Dam:
- GCH Royal's Rubescence Of Rexann
— Kathy Bube and Pam Peterson, Breeder: Pam Peterson
Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley