National Shiba Club of America

NSCA Junior Recognition Program



To promote and encourage juniors to participate in the sport of American Kennel Club (AKC) dog events with the Shiba Inu, as well as to become active in the National Shiba Club of America (NSCA).

To be eligible for programs/awards participants must be a NSCA Junior Member in good standing.


NSCA Outstanding Junior Achievement Award

The NSCA Outstanding Junior Achievement Award is designed to recognize young people for their varied interests and passion for the Shiba Inu, and to encourage well-rounded participation in all facets of dog ownership.  Emphasis will be placed on excellence of involvement in a broad spectrum of activities.  The award will be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty.

The award will be an engraved plaque and a $100 gift card.  The plaque will be inscribed, ”20__ Outstanding Junior Achievement Award,” recipient’s name, “National Shiba Club of America.”  NSCA will provide two complimentary banquet tickets for the recipient and his/her parents.  A picture of the recipient with his/her Shiba Inu, along with the application essay, will be printed in the Shiba E-News.

Application period is May 1 through June 30 of each calendar year.  Application/nomination forms may be obtained by clicking on the link below or through the Awards Committee.  All application materials may be submitted electronically or hard copy.  Where applicable, provide copies of titles, certificates, grades, letters of appreciation or participation, etc. with the nomination form to verify authenticity.  The application may be found here: 

Junior Achievement Award Application


  • The junior handler must meet the age requirements for the year being nominated (self-nominations are accepted).
  • The nominee must be a NSCA junior member in good standing. 
  • The nominee provides documentation evidence of competing in a minimum of 3 Junior Showmanship conformation and/or companion events (agility, obedience, etc.) competitions in the calendar year. 
  • In addition to competition, the junior handler provides evidence of participating in other dog-related activities with a Shiba Inu, such as, but not limited to the following examples:
    • Submits an article for publication in the Shiba E-News on junior handling with a Shiba Inu in any venue of participation.
    • Participates in the recruitment, encouragement, and development of juniors interested in junior handling.
    • Participation in NSCA or a Regional Shiba Inu club.
    • Participation in other AKC events: rally, lure coursing etc.
    • Trains and handles a Shiba Inu for certification as a Canine Good Citizen, Therapy Dog, etc.
    • Any academic endeavor, writing or speaking, on the history of the Shiba Inu or responsible dog ownership.
    • Community service, such as hospital or nursing home visits (volunteer therapy work), Shiba Inu rescue activities, obedience demonstrations in the community, etc.
    • Maintain a 3.0 GPA, or higher, for the year reflected in the application.
    • Submit an essay describing his/her experience with, and interest in the Shiba Inu and plans for future involvement with the breed.

    NSCA Top 10 Junior Handlers in Conformation Awards

    The Top 10 Junior Handlers in conformation (AKC Statistics) will be honored each year at the Annual Awards Banquet if present.  Each junior handler will be presented with a certificate of achievement.  In addition, the #1 Junior Handler in Conformation will receive a medallion. 

    A picture of the #1 Junior Handler with his/her Shiba Inu will be featured each year in the NSCA Shiba E-News.

    Note:  the top 10 junior handlers will be determined by AKC statistics.

    NSCA Top 10 Junior Handlers in Companion Events Awards

    The Top 10 Junior Handlers in companion events (AKC Statistics) will be honored each year at the Annual Awards Banquet at the NSCA National Specialty if present.  Each junior handler will be presented with a certificate of achievement.  In addition, the #1 Junior Handler in companion events will receive a medallion.

    A picture of the #1 Junior Handler with his/her Shiba Inu will be featured each year in the NSCA Shiba E-News.

    Note:  the top 10 junior handlers will be determined by AKC statistics.

    NSCA National Specialty

    • Annual Awards Banquet:  NSCA will provide a “reserved” table for all junior handlers to sit together at the banquet (when 5 or more junior handlers are present).
    • A seminar for junior handlers may be offered at the NSCA National Specialty when feasible. Past junior handlers, current handlers and/or breeders would be considered to present this seminar. This educational venue would teach the history of the breed, handling tips for showing the Shiba Inu and useful information such as appropriate attire and etiquette in the ring, etc. This seminar would be offered with an entry of 5 attendees (minimum) for NSCA National Specialty Junior Showmanship.  When a junior handler seminar is not available, junior handlers may attend the Judges Education seminar free of charge. Junior handlers attending the Judges seminar may be asked to help with the sign-in table, distributing handouts, etc.

    Shiba E-News

    A free subscription to the Shiba E-News will be provided to all NSCA junior handlers until they reach the age of 18, at which time they would be eligible to become a regular NSCA member.  The free subscription is limited to one copy per household and the junior subscription is forfeited if the household already receives a copy.

    About the Junior Recognition Program

    Junior Handler Liaison
    The NSCA Awards Subcommittee – Junior Recognition team will appoint a NSCA member in good standing to act as a Junior Liaison. The Junior Liaison should be a member who is a past junior handler in conformation or companion events or the relative of a past junior handler.  The Junior Liaison will act as a mentor and attempt to answer all inquiries and offer advice to junior handlers and parents who are currently involved or want to participate in the sport.  When feasible, the liaison may make himself/herself available to demonstrate or offer critiques at specialties or matches.

    Awards Subcommittee – Junior Recognition
    This is a subcommittee of the Awards Committee with members representing conformation and companion events.  The Chairperson of the Awards Committee will appoint a Chairperson to the subcommittee.  The Subcommittee Chairperson should be willing and able to assume the administrative responsibilities of the Committee. 

    Additional Junior Recognition Sub-committee Responsibilities

    1. Encourage the participation of young people with Shiba Inus to fulfill the mission of this sub-committee.
    2. Assist the NSCA Webmaster in preparing and updating the Junior Recognition web page.
    3. Assign a Junior Handler Liaison when requested.
    4. Coordinate the administration of Junior Recognition Awards.


Awards Chairperson
Terra Farley

Juniors Liaison
Lynne Fletcher